Sunday, September 5, 2010

Resource Based Learning

I have always found the concept of Resource Based Learning interesting, especially from an early childhood perspective. Going right back in preschools there has always been resource based learning and little teacher directed, whole group activities. Yet schools seem to be the complete opposite. In some ways I can understand that as schools often have less time and more concepts to teach. There is also the need for explicit teaching of subjects (e.g reading) that are difficult to learn through RBL. To be honest I think there should be a mixture of teacher directed and resource based learning. We are often told that students learning differently so we cannot say that one teaching approach/ style is better then the other when we should be using a variety.
I also think that the constraints of time and access to good resources can be difficult to manoeuvre around and when faced with opposition some people will go back to what has worked before. Not all teachers btw just some. There are days when going back to things that have worked before can be the best for the class as a whole.

Any other ideas?


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